
Lucy Wood Baird
What do I call you?
April 11 - May 5th, 2024

Open by appointment

2025 West Belmont Ave, storefront
Chicago, IL 60618


Bookmatch, 2025 View 2/4
Pigment prints, foamcore, plexiglass, mirror, marble
39.75 L x 23.75 W x 10.25 H inches
Image courtesy of the artist

Material is a not for profit Artist Run Project Space that is located in the storefront, adjacent to my studio. Since 2019, Material has hosted between 3 - 5 Solo Exhibitions per year.

Material is a space where a body of work by an emerging or mid-career artist can be thought through from inception, exhibition and finally the afterlife it will have in it's various forms of documentation.

I have deep gratitude to people who support artists by collecting their work as well as my fellow Artist Run Project Spaces around Chicago. I also grateful to my spouse: Mark, and kids: Ivy and Basil, who have helped in all the unseen ways to keep this space going.

The Material/Artist split is 70/30, during the run of an exhibition and for the few objects that remain in our Works Available section.

The artists, curators, and Material, work together in a cycle of mutual charity. My hope is that their ideas and creations expand our community and deepen the appreciation of the artist and their work.

With gratitude,
Jean Alexander Frater